May 2017


<span>The Sanitation Application requires safety and reliability for its operation.</span> <span>With this in mind, Bridgemeter , Above-Net 's industrial IoT monitoring solution, monitors water and sewage treatment plants in remote locations using cellular or LoRA technology with real-time information and remote action.</span> <span>Through its Gateways approved in the system</span>

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The military industry is extremely rigorous in the solutions and requirements used in the field. The environment is always very sensitive to interference, vibrations, temperature changes and shocks and therefore it is necessary to use industrial equipment for these solutions. Equipment must be robust and must survive in harsh environments (such as high/low temperature, humid,

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Building automation

See how building automation can increase security while reducing operational costs. With the rapid development of digital content and networks, the construction of surveillance systems has also evolved into intelligent active digital surveillance systems. As a result, the overall quality of video surveillance has significantly improved, while labor and security costs have been minimized. I feel like this,

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Oil and gas

Above-Net has Industrial IOT (Internet of Things) monitoring solutions for the Oil and Gas industry. Specifically in FPSO, we offer several applications within the segment. Bridgemeter is very interesting both for interconnection and intelligent actuation of installed controllers, and for expanding the number of sensor and data collection points from secondary equipment,

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Telecommunications Monitoring

<span>Telecommunications equipment in general requires 24x7 monitoring for immediate replacement in case of failure.</span> <span>Bridgemeter , Above-Net 's Industrial IoT monitoring solution can monitor various parameters in telecommunications equipment, preventing damage from unwanted conditions such as power loss, cooling system malfunctions and unauthorized visitors to transmission towers, saving up to 70 %</span>

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