
The Sanitation Application requires safety and reliability for its operation. With this in mind, Bridgemeter , Above-Net 's industrial IoT monitoring solution, monitors water and sewage treatment plants in remote locations using cellular or LoRA technology with real-time information and remote action.

Through its Gateways approved in the Bridgemeter Cloud system, it is possible to transmit, automatically measure and act if necessary on control valves, pumps and drivers to control the operation safely from the control center.

With Bridgemeter IoT cloud, utility companies can predict problems, reduce downtime and costs by processing collected data.

Bridgemeter also controls water effluent treatment plants, measuring water performance, quality and consumption. The system also adjusts the maintenance schedule in real time, reducing the costs of unnecessary maintenance visits.

The solution can use indirect parameter measurements to predict unmeasurable conditions. As an example, filter condition is measured using pressure and current in the main pump. The solution can also measure water consumption automatically for billing on commercial and consumer accounts.

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