Author Name: Above-Net - IoT Smart

Above-Net 's blog is a valuable source of information on innovative technologies applied to various sectors. Articles cover topicals such as predictive maintenance, industrial interoperability and IoT solutions for hospital infrastructure and effluent treatment, offering essential insights to technology professionals and enthusiasts. Explore emerging trends and find out how technology is transforming the world around us.

Above-Net - IoT Smart
Importance of boiler monitoring in hospitals

Importance of boiler monitoring in hospitals

In health environments, effective and efficient process management is crucial to ensure patients' well-being and provide adequate working conditions for professionals. Many of the critical systems in hospitals operate discreetly, but are fundamental to the institution's functioning. Take, for example, the heating system. The boilers […]

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The impact of artificial intelligence on maintaining electrical assets

The impact of artificial intelligence on maintaining electrical assets

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are revolutionizing the way electrical actives are maintained. AI allows organizations to get a competitive advantage by taking advantage of data monitoring data to make better data based decisions, minimize inactivity time, optimize resources, and improve operational effectiveness. Cloud computing,

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Maintaining Electrical Assets Read More »

What types of processes benefited by industrial IoT in manufacturing

What types of processes benefited by industrial IoT in manufacturing?

The Internet of Industrial Things (IIOT) has emerged as a transformative force in the sectors with critical applications, revolutionizing the way companies operate, monitor and optimize their production processes. The implementation of IIOT in processes is no longer an option, but an urgent need, driven by the constant search for operational efficiency, cost reduction

What types of processes benefited by industrial IoT in manufacturing? Read More »

What is Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)

What is Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)?

Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) comprises processes and technologies used to monitor, measure and manage the physical and virtual infrastructure of a data center. DCIM uses tools, software and applications to track a variety of key areas on data centers, such as: physical infrastructure: This type of monitoring employs methods that include sensors,

What is Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)? Read More »

Above-Net advances with more intelligent IIOT installations for sanitation

We are proud to publicize another important installation in the sanitation sector! We recently implemented another advanced intelligent industrial IoT monitoring solution for a 2 -meter diameter pipeline capable of managing a maximum flow of up to 4,000 liters per second. Precise monitoring using a magnetic conaut magnetic meter, (blue

Above-Net advances with more intelligent iIOT installations for read more ”

Above-Net and Santa Claus signs innovative partnership

Above-Net and Santa Claus signs innovative partnership to ensure safe Christmas deliveries

Official statement at the North Pole, Christmas effervescence reaches new levels this year, with the exciting news of the exclusive partnership between Above-Net, leader in intelligent IOT monitoring, and legendary Santa Claus. Together they promise to turn the magic Christmas night into an even safer and more efficient experience. In a collective of

Above-Net and Santa Claus signs innovative partnership to ensure safe Christmas deliveries Read More »

PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE VS Predictive - The performance gap

PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE VS Predictive - The performance gap

Increased temperature as a common cause of energy interruption One of the most common motives for energy interruptions and primary cause of electric arc incidents is increased temperature in a defective connection. As the equipment ages, defective electrical connections in low/medium voltage equipment can increase - studies show that equipment


10 reasons for abandoning manual thermography of the electric infrastructure

10 reasons for abandoning manual thermography of the electric infrastructure

In the rapidly evolving scenario of electricity infrastructure management, the advent of predictive intelligent monitoring based on sensors represents a significant advance. Traditional methods, such as annual thermography and periodic inspections, have long been the standard in maintaining and monitoring electrical systems. However, these approaches are each

10 reasons for abandoning manual thermography of the Electric Infrastructure Read More »

Thermal monitoring of energy and critical infrastructure

What is thermal monitoring for? The main causes of fire and reduce useful life in electrical equipment are poor contact or defective connections, where temperature increase is the main symptom and an indicator that a possible imminent problem. Thermal monitoring allows organizations to detect symptoms in these connections

Thermal Monitoring of Energy and Critical Infrastructure Read More »

lighting systems

The benefits of IoT smart lighting systems for cities

The way we illuminate our cities has become an important issue for governments and planning, under constant pressure to reduce consumption and energy cost. This demand leads us to look for alternative solutions - that is, intelligent lighting systems. In this article you can understand a little about modern lighting systems and

The Benefits of IoT Smart Lighting Systems for Cities Read More »