Remote Monitoring of Sewage Stations and Pumps

Above Above-Net has a full range of success stories in critical applications using managed communications solutions, including cellular routers, industrial networking devices, mobile and embedded computing.





Legacy LP and twisted pair communications are no longer used or are expensive to operate. Communication solutions via wireless networks are unfeasible due to reasons of sight and distance. Satellite communication, in turn, has a very high operating cost.

The standard communication architecture of data networks via cell phones makes it impossible to manage remote connections and equipment without human presence at the monitored site.

Each time a connection drops, it would be necessary to re-establish the IP addressing manually. Furthermore, security rules and operator protections make direct access to the cellular router impossible.





Several technologies were tested by the client, but all showed low robustness or communication instability. LP's, for example, often had wires stolen and no longer have support from operators.

Another complicating factor: the multiplexing of serial networks for PLC communication via the cellular network. Above Above-Net was the only company capable of overcoming this barrier for the customer and delivering a reliable, high-availability and excellent cost-benefit solution.

The solution is made up of a 3G/4G RTU connected to the PLC, which in turn connects to the various equipment at the stations. The router remains permanently connected to the Bridgemeter , which is capable of informing the control center supervisory information using the MODBUS protocol or the access path of each device connected to the PLC. In this way, the customer can remotely monitor and control various equipment safely and reliably through a reliable and stable cellular connection;



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