Bridgecare ® – Interoperability in Hospital Environments

Bridgecare ® – Systems and Equipment Interoperability Solution in Hospital Environments 

Digitization is increasingly present in the daily lives of companies, improving processes and worker productivity. The health sector is no different, and the benefits also directly affect the well-being of users, promoting the decentralization of exams and consultations through telemedicine.

However, in hospital environments there is a growing demand for managing information from different data sources, a factor that makes communication in a unified way difficult, increases the load on systems and generates incompatibility between information.

In an attempt to optimize the flow of internal processes, all data management goes through the HIS (Hospital Information System) system and other systems are integrated into it, the main ones being:

PACS: Image Archiving and Sharing System – is a system used to store practically all files related to diagnostic imaging exams. Thus, any member of the clinic or hospital's internal team can search for this information and collect more data from specific exams at any time in an organized manner.

RIS: Radiology Information System – This is the software that acts as the “brain” of an imaging center, helping the clinic or hospital team maintain control over all exams performed on all patients, in an organized and standardized manner.

LIS: Laboratory Information System – is a computerized system that records, manages and stores data and information for clinical analysis laboratories.

The integration of these systems within the HIS is often complex, for IT teams the task has become more challenging with the inclusion of IoT sensors for clinical engineering telemetry and new medical equipment connected to the systems. And when we think about different suppliers of these solutions with customized systems (HIS / LIS / PACS) the integration and management of information becomes a real plot.

Telemedicine was also integrated into the HIS system. This new type of medical care has grown exponentially across the world. In Brazil, one of the largest diagnostic medicine networks reported a 226% growth in teleconsultations in the first two months of 2022.

The effect of this increase is directly related to the health crisis, however, sector experts believe in the rise of the consultation model even after the pandemic.

Research carried out by Mordor Intelligence indicates that the telemedicine market is expected to grow from the current US$38 billion to US$168 billion in 2026 . In Brazil alone, the telemedicine market closed 2022 with revenues of US$2.82 billion , according to Statista, a company specialized in analyzing market and consumer information.

Data interoperability in the hospital environment

The digitalization of medicine also means bringing more technology into hospitals, requiring administrative managers and hospital IT to pay more attention to the use of systems and data collection.

As described previously, data management in a hospital environment is a major challenge in itself. The variety of existing systems and the consequent need for interoperability make point-to-point connection in service and organizational environments impossible.

The problem becomes worse when the healthcare organization has several points and decentralized service bases resulting in multiple registrations and lost information.

So that healthcare organizations can overcome this challenge, Above-Net Bridgecare solution . A platform capable of integrating, in just one central repository, information from several different systems and sharing them in various formats and existing protocols, bridging multiple technologies.

Bridgecare ® natively integrates systems used in the hospital environment (HIS / LIS / PACS), connecting information to the central repository in a sanitized way. The platform monitors the database against duplicate records, homonyms and information conflicts in a customized way.

This also brings greater security and provides monitoring of the patient's life within the healthcare system, regardless of the unit or legacy system in which they were treated.  

The solution uses modern transmission protocols such as HL7 (Health Level 7) or even text file format for legacy systems. Through proprietary technology, equipment locations are automatic. Bridgecare ® acts as a central repository of all information, in addition, the platform integrates equipment, measurements and sensors providing visibility and integrated management for clinical engineering for hospital maintenance and management.

Process optimization

The Bridgecare platform offers support to optimize IT processes by improving the quality of the organization's information, such as:

Unified Login Service: With encryption for employees who use all of the institution's systems where only one username and password is used regardless of the access system;

Configurable intelligent hygiene: There are more than 40 intelligent and configurable rules that allow the identification of historical or real-time duplicate records of connections and an interface for resolving outstanding records.

Terminology Service: Offers flexibility for the interconnection of terms and standards between any system with a versioning record that allows evolution by connector independently.

Command Center: IOT for infrastructure, clinical engineering and equipment – ​​monitors, through Above-Net Bridgemeter ® , cold rooms, medical gas plants, medical IT, power plants, water and air conditioning, equipment, with predictive analysis of the functioning of the vital structure of hospitals and care centers.

The Bridgecare platform is a success story used by one of the largest cities in the world. There are thousands of service points integrating data and managing information from more than 25 million patients with more than 200 million services with security and reliability through the use of communication protocols and forms of integration used in the most demanding applications in the industry.

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