Intelligent Operational Management of Hospital Infrastructure

Intelligent Operational Management of Hospital Infrastructure

The operational management of hospital infrastructure is extremely complex and requires monitoring critical equipment variables that, in the event of failure, can cause incalculable losses to patients and institutions.

Both primary equipment – ​​those used under normal operating conditions, and secondary equipment – ​​used in the event of primary failure, must be in good operational condition 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. An operational failure of primary equipment, followed by a second failure of secondary equipment that, due to lack of knowledge, was not ready for operation, may be responsible for a catastrophe leading to the death of hospitalized patients.

There are several challenges that make it difficult to obtain reliable, up-to-date data, including:

  • The dependence on manual records, which at least illustrate a momentary situation in the verification (round);
  • In addition to the inaccuracy, when on physical media, they may not be sent to the person responsible, compromising the quality and integrity of the information;
  • Difficulty accessing equipment prevents an up-to-date view of the hospital's situation, as well as rapid decision-making based on the need for the operation.
  • The lack of standardization of processes and information systems used by hospitals, which makes it difficult to compare and analyze data between different units or health networks.
  • The lack of adequate indicators and analysis tools that allow measuring the performance, productivity and quality of hospital operations, as well as identifying problems, opportunities and trends.
  • Cultural and organizational resistance to change, which limits the adoption of new technologies and methodologies for hospital operational management, as well as the dissemination and use of data for the continuous improvement of processes and results.

It is clear that monitoring this infrastructure is not a feasible task without an automated process. Still, even with automated monitoring, the number and dependencies of critical operation variables make interpretation and control for operational management very complex.

In addition to monitoring, the system needs to intelligently indicate, based on the comparison of critical parameters, trends and situations before any problem escalates to a critical situation. Most of the time, just like in healthcare, an infrastructure problem, if detected in advance, has minimal impacts on the operation.

The QI Control solution

QI Control Solution , developed in partnership with Above-Net Brasil by White Martins, is an intelligent hospital infrastructure management tool that offers a series of significant benefits. Based on IIoT Bridgemeter , it stands out for its real-time monitoring, intelligence and prediction capabilities, contributing to the efficiency and reliability of hospital operations.

QI Control

Here are some of the main differences and benefits of this solution:

  1. Prediction of Operational Problems: One of the most notable features of the QI Control is the ability to predict operational problems before they occur. This allows hospitals to take proactive steps to avoid unexpected equipment failures, which is critical to the continuity of healthcare.
  2. Real-Time Monitoring: Real-time monitoring capabilities are crucial for identifying issues immediately and responding to them effectively. This ensures the safety of patients and the efficient operation of the hospital.
  3. Continuous Operation in Emergency Situations: The QI Control helps ensure continuous operation of secondary equipment in emergency situations. This is critical in hospital environments, where interruption of services can have serious consequences.
  4. Maintenance Cost Reduction: Continuous monitoring based on IoT (Internet of Things) allows for more efficient maintenance based on real conditions. This can result in cost savings as maintenance interventions only occur when necessary, rather than following a fixed schedule.
  5. Comprehensive Visibility and Information: QI Control Solution provides comprehensive information on the status of all hospital equipment. This allows maintenance and operations staff to make informed and effective decisions.
  6. Improving the Quality of Healthcare: By avoiding unplanned interruptions and ensuring the continuous operation of medical equipment, the QI Control directly contributes to improving the quality of healthcare provided to patients.
  7. Improved Compliance for Regulatory Bodies: Smart management through IoT Monitoring can help hospitals meet fundamental requirements for various certifications.

In summary, the QI Control Solution is an advanced and innovative solution that addresses critical challenges in hospital infrastructure management. Its predictive capabilities, real-time monitoring and use of IoT make it a valuable tool for hospitals looking to improve operational efficiency, ensure service continuity and reduce maintenance costs, whilst ensuring the highest standard of patient care.

Use Cases and ROI for Intelligent Operational Management of a Hospital Infrastructure

An important point for calculating return on investment (ROI):

QI Control is interoperable with any hospital equipment or system, and does not depend on another system for the integration of this equipment and can consolidate information from legacy systems into a single system.

We present below a real case that demonstrates the importance of efficient management of hospital operations through intelligent monitoring:

Due to lack of maintenance of the gas network, there was excess humidity to the point that widespread fan failure began. The cost of maintenance/purchase of new fans was R$ 140,000.00.

With QI Control 's intelligent monitoring, the event would not have happened and the ROI would have been calculated as follows:

ROI calculation

This ROI refers to just one isolated event in the gas network compared to the investment made to monitor the entire medical gas infrastructure. If other points of failure and maintenance savings are considered, the ROI will be even greater with the same investment.


Intelligent monitoring of hospital operations is an essential tool to ensure the safety and efficiency of hospitals. QI Control technology is an effective and comprehensive solution that can help hospitals improve the quality of care and reduce risks.

For more details visit: QI Control Catalog

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