Intelligent IIoT Cloud Solution

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Real-time information that prevents breakdowns, downtime and saves lives

Management of any Operation in Real Time in a proactive and intelligent way

Imagine having a dedicated team overseeing each piece of equipment and system in your operation, around the clock, 365 days a year. These team members would maintain continuous contact, analyzing data and monitoring your operation. In case of issues or human errors, they would promptly notify your technical team and provide guidance on necessary actions.

Above-Net provides Bridgemeter Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution - a modern and innovative platform capable of connecting to any equipment or sensor. This allows for monitoring, data collection, and the implementation of intelligent rules for predicting problems and conducting maintenance tasks from remote locations.

The system can receive information from equipment, PLCs (Programmable Logic Computer), digital or analog sensors, engines, trucks and even light vehicles as well as cameras, tablets and smartphones with tracking and generate real-time alarms quickly and accurately.

The network manager can add combined rules and alarm limits that trigger notification actions on dashboards, notifications in APP or program remote control of devices via relay on Above-Net's own IoT (Internet of Things) gateway or Above-Net the PLC .

For each monitored piece of equipment, you can consult real-time data, history, alarms, plot trend graphs and even export information to spreadsheets.

Bridgemeter is the only product on the market capable of integrating sensors and equipment of different types and generations with location capabilities, and even traditional supervisory systems such as SCADA, with intelligent alarm rules and actions to support decision making in real time.

It works like a cloud supervisory system , but with the advantage of notifying and alerting users automatically and remotely without the need for monitoring by a control center. Bridgemeter intelligently and automatically interprets non-standard operating conditions and notifies groups of users according to their preference Bridgemeter

It is an excellent solution for projects where the cost of implementing a SCADA system or PLCs (Programmable Logic Computer) is prohibitive. Or for operations where more agility is needed in the administration of rules and the field team.

For applications where there is already a supervisory system installed, Bridgemeter connects to the SCADA system in a transparent way, proactively generating alarms for the remote team and transmitting information from equipment and sensors in real time to the repository, enabling the expansion Bridgemeter measurements without the need to purchase new PLCs.

More than Monitoring

Flexible Architecture

We have developed a solution made up of hardware and software that is easy to install and low cost, compatible with any type of analog or digital sensor, PLCs, machines and equipment, and even with the option of remote control. 

Bridgemeter integrates an automated task manager system for triggering field maintenance processes and is compatible with SCADA / ERP systems, representing the most efficient form of interoperability of measurement points and adding predictive analysis.

Bridgemeter architecture

Configurable Web Interface

Bridgemeter works on Web, Android or IOS platform and offers full remote control and intelligent monitoring of your company's assets.

Monitoring APP

Through the Bridgemeter monitoring APP, the technical team has access to parameters with real-time readings, viewing histories, graphs and supervision diagrams of all locations and equipment in their monitoring network.

Alarms and Notifications

Maintenance and management teams receive real-time notifications of intelligent rules configured in the system. Whether by comparing values, parameters, limits, variation rates and many others, Bridgemeter analyzes predictively and notifies the user directly in its APP.

Main Features

Bridgemeter was developed based on real problems encountered in the industry and uniquely presents a concept of IIoT interoperability between equipment and systems collecting data, acting intelligently and integrating processes with other systems.

Analog or Digital Sensors

Above-Net 's RTU M2M equipment has a native interface for analog sensors 4~20 mA or 0~5 V, digital sensors, H/T temperature and humidity, differentiated input for energy monitoring, relay output with remote command and even output 12VDC for peripheral power.

Vehicle and Engine Telemetry

Compatible with a series of engines and equipment on the market, Bridgemeter IoT receives and processes telemetry information in real time. Load temperature control, mobile power generation or driving mode are some examples for optimization and cost reduction.

Connection to PLCs

Bridgemeter IoT is compatible and integrates PLCs of all generations regardless of the type of connection or technology, offering transparency and compatibility in an industrial monitoring network.

Remote Activation Equipment

Through Above-Net 's M2M RTUs, Bridgemeter IOT offers remote activation command of equipment and can be configured for manual or automatic online or offline mode.

Turn-key OT IT in Layers

Bridgemeter covers all layers from Integration, Communication, Information, Functionalities and Business, natively and completely integrating collaborative infrastructure for digital transformation into SaaS.

Automatic Maintenance Trigger

Bridgemeter IoT detects combined conditions of degraded equipment operation and triggers a prescriptive maintenance plan in real time to immediately correct the problem.

Online Documentation

Bridgemeter offers in an integrated way an intelligent repository of equipment documentation for storage and field access of plans, manuals, projects, and even certifications with expiration date alarm.

PTT Communication

Bridgemeter IoT offers integrated PTT (Push to Talk) communication and real-time location of the field team with monitored equipment, sensors and vehicles, providing an integrated dispatch center.


Travel Reduction

Bridgemeter IoT enables remote monitoring by eliminating unnecessary calls from field staff.

Automatic Alarms

The Operations Center and those responsible receive real-time alarms and notifications anticipating problems.

Increased Safety

By monitoring security parameters, Bridgemeter IoT can effectively protect a plant or high-value-added equipment.

Low Operating Cost

Bridgemeter IoT has low operational and deployment costs and can be installed at hundreds of points providing access to your company's customers.

Real-Time Predictive Analytics

Bridgemeter can be configured with a multitude of intelligent rules that allow predictive analysis and perception of system operation degradation. Autonomously, the system proactively warns field and operations teams to anticipate problems.

Above-Net Website - Industrial IoT - Predictive Analysis Video Cover - 1280 x 720

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