For us at Above-Net respect and care for your personal data is a priority. Therefore, we spare no effort when it comes to complying with all necessary security measures so that your data is protected and so that you, the data subject, are fully aware of how they are used by us.


The controller of your data is the company ABOVE-NET COMERCIO DE INFORMATICA, TELECOMUNICACAO E SERVICOS LTDA ( Above-Net ), located at Rua Dalcidio Jurandir, 255, Loj 123, Barra Da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, CEP 22631-250 , and registered with the CNPJ/MF under number 05.920.155/0001-60.

For any questions or queries about how we treat your personal data, you can contact us via the following email:


Customer service channels:

When you contact us through the contact form available on our website, or through our customer service channels (message, telephone or email), your identification and contact data will be collected by us so that We may, based on our legitimate interest or to enable the performance of the contract, respond to your message and/or take the necessary steps in relation to your request. Please be aware that when using our telephone channel, the call may be recorded to guarantee the quality of our services.

Furthermore, based on our legitimate interest in maintaining a close relationship with our customers, we may use your data to send you promotional information about our products and services.


Personal data collected through the newsletter form will be processed based on our legitimate interest so that you can receive our fortnightly clippings with news and information about our services and products.

Social media

Personal data published on our social networks (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn) may be used, based on our legitimate interest, to send promotional information about our products and services. To obtain information about how your data is used by the social networks in which Above-Net is present, we suggest that you review their own privacy policies.


When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and the visitor's IP address and browser details to help spam detection. An anonymized string created from your email (also called a hash) may be sent to Gravatar to see if you use the service.

Gravatar's privacy policy is available here: . After approval of your comment, your profile photo is publicly visible next to your comment.

This data may be used by us, based on our legitimate interests, to send you promotional information about our products and services.


Cookies are small pieces of data stored in the browser of a website visitor, generally used to track the settings users select and actions taken on a website.

Above Above-Net uses cookies for several important reasons, such as:

  • To provide a great experience for our visitors and customers.
  • To monitor and analyze the performance, operation and effectiveness of the website.
  • To ensure that our website is secure.
  • To be able to offer services in a personalized way and according to your preferences.

Our website uses the following cookies:

li_gcUsed to store the visitor's consent to the use of cookies for non-essential purposes.6 months
AnalyticsSyncHistoryUsed to store information about the time a sync occurred with the lms_analytics cookie for users in designated countries.1 month
_GRECAPTCHAGoogle reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when run for the purpose of providing its risk analysis.6 months
__ss_referrerThis cookie contains information about the origin of the visitor, called the origin of the visit.1 hour
bcookieThis is a 1st party cookie from Microsoft MSN to share website content via social media.1 year
lidcThis is a 1st party cookie from Microsoft MSN that ensures the proper functioning of this website.1 day
uuid2This cookie enables targeted advertising through the AppNexus platform – collects anonymous data about IP addresses from ad views, page views and more.3 months
pa_openx_tsThis cookie is set by Perfect Audience and is used for advertising purposes based on user behavior data.1 year and 1 month
personalization_idThis cookie carries information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen prior to visiting that website.1 year and 1 month
IDSYNCThis cookie carries information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen prior to visiting that website.1 year
pa_yahoo_tsThis cookie is set by Perfect Audience and is used for advertising purposes based on user behavior data.1 year and 1 month
YSCThis cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos.Section
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEThis cookie is set by Youtube to track user preferences for Youtube videos embedded on websites; It can also determine whether the website visitor is using the new or old version of the Youtube interface. 6 months
UserMatchHistoryThis cookie is used to track visitors so that more relevant advertisements can be presented based on the visitor's preferences.1 month
koitkCollects data about visitor behavior and interaction – This is used to optimize the website and make advertising on the website more relevant.1 year and 1 month
bscookieUsed by the social networking service, LinkedIn, to track the use of embedded services.1 year
__ssThis cookie is storing the session ID for your visit. It is used in combination with _ss_tk to group site visits into reports for a single user. 1 day

For more information, access the Google and LinkedIn privacy policy.

You can allow or block cookies, as well as delete your browsing data (including cookies) in your browser. Consult the options and instructions that your browser offers.


The personal data provided by you will be kept indefinitely, until you request the deletion of the data from our records. The deletion of personal data will not be possible when it is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, for the legal exercise of rights by Above-Net or when it is kept anonymously.

The data collected through cookies will be kept for the periods stated in this Policy.


Your personal data may be transferred to the following recipients:​

  • Public bodies, for the purposes of complying with a judicial, legal or regulatory provision;
  • Above-Net service providers related to website management and hosting, as well as marketing and IT companies and sales representatives.

Above-Net 's service providers store your data in data centers located outside of Brazil.

Above Above-Net will take all necessary measures to ensure that its representatives, employees, collaborators or third parties who need to have access to personal data to fulfill their professional duties in relation to the services, are subject to confidentiality commitments.


At any time, you may exercise your rights to:

  • Confirm whether we are processing your data;
  • Have access to them;
  • Request correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
  • In some cases, request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or processed data that does not comply with the provisions of data protection regulations;
  • Request data portability from another service provider;
  • Request the deletion of personal data processed with your consent, except when necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation on the part of Above-Net , or when they are kept anonymously;
  • Request information about the public and private entities with which we share your data.

To obtain this information or submit a rights request, we ask that you contact us by email at


Seeking continuous improvement, we may change the Privacy Policy at any time. Whenever this occurs, we will publish the changes on our website in a visible and easily accessible place.