
SKU: and-AM142 Categories: , Brand:

24Din Modbus, DTU converter

  • Equipment compatible with Bridgemeter®️
  • Protocols: modbus rti
  • 24 Digital Inputs Dry Contact, NA, NF, 0 ~ 0.5VDC considered as short,
  • +3 ~+30VDC considered as open circuit.
  • Pulse Accountant Frequency 1KHz

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The And-142m is a converter module that has 24 digital inputs and modbus communication. You can read sensor data and send them to a communication gateway to Above-Net's Bridgemeter IoT Platform.

It has a wide temperature operating range: -20 ° C to + 70 ° C, humidity range: 0 ~ 95%

Requires DC power supply: 9-36vdc. Low power consumption (3W only)

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Technical Specifications

Box Protection /TD>

DC power supply 9-36VDC
Energy consumption Smaller 3w.
Protocols Modbus rt
Modbus addresses 1~247
Data format N, 8.1; E, 8.1; O, 8.1 or N, 8.2
Transmission rates 1200,2400,4800, 9600, 19200, 38400bps
Digital inputs 24 digital, dry contact, NA, NF, 0 ~ 0.5VDC considered
as short, +3 ~ +30VDC considered as open circuit.
Pulse Accountant Frequency 1KHz
Measurement accuracy +-0.1%
Resistance 2000vac/min output; 500vdc> 100mΩ>
Installation Wall or 35mm Din Trail
Operating temperature From -20 ° C to +70 ° C
Moisture Up to 95% (without condensation)
Outer dimension 175mm x 88mm x 30mm
Net weight 350g
Remote monitoring Bridgemeter IoT Platform