
Importance of Boiler Monitoring in Hospitals

Importance of Boiler Monitoring in Hospitals

In healthcare environments, effective and efficient management of processes is crucial to guarantee the well-being of patients and provide adequate working conditions for professionals. Many of the critical systems in hospitals operate discreetly, but are fundamental to the functioning of the institution. Take, for example, the heating system. The boilers […]

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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Electrical Asset Maintenance

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Electrical Asset Maintenance

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are revolutionizing the way electrical assets are maintained. AI enables organizations to gain a competitive advantage by leveraging condition monitoring data to make better data-driven decisions, minimize downtime, optimize resources, and improve operational effectiveness. Cloud computing,

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Connectivity Challenges in IoT Projects in Remote Areas

Connectivity Challenges in IoT Projects in Remote Areas

In the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), connectivity is the backbone that enables communication between devices and real-time data collection. However, in remote areas where data network infrastructure is sparse or non-existent, establishing a reliable connection can be a significant challenge. At Above-Net , our engineering,

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What types of processes benefit from Industrial IoT in manufacturing

What types of processes benefit from Industrial IoT in manufacturing?

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has emerged as a transformative force in application-critical industries, revolutionizing the way companies operate, monitor and optimize their production processes. The implementation of IIoT in processes is no longer an option, but an urgent need, driven by the constant search for operational efficiency and cost reduction

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What is Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)

What is data center infrastructure management (DCIM)?

Data center infrastructure management (DCIM) comprises processes and technologies used to monitor, measure, and manage the physical and virtual infrastructure of a data center. DCIM uses tools, software and applications to monitor a variety of key areas in data centers, such as: Physical infrastructure: This type of monitoring employs methods that include sensors,

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Revolutionizing the Maintenance of Cold Rooms, Refrigerators and Refrigerators

Revolutionizing the Maintenance of Cold Rooms, Refrigerators and Refrigerators

Efficiency in the maintenance of cold rooms, refrigerators and refrigerators is a constant challenge for the retail and distribution sector. With technological advancement, innovative solutions like Bridgemeter ®, from Above-Net , are transforming the way companies approach the maintenance of this critical equipment. The challenges Monitoring cold rooms in the food industry

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Above-Net advances with more Smart IIoT installations for sanitation

We are proud to announce another important installation in the sanitation sector! We recently implemented yet another advanced Smart industrial IoT monitoring solution for a 2 meter diameter pipeline, capable of managing a maximum flow of up to 4,000 liters per second. Precise Monitoring Using a CONAUT magnetic flow meter, (blue

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The Importance of Infrastructure in the Medical Area A Case Study on Losses

The Importance of Hospital Infrastructure: Case Study on Avoidable Losses

In the healthcare field, hospital infrastructure plays a crucial role, not only in ensuring the efficiency of daily operations, but also in protecting valuable equipment and, most importantly, in safeguarding the lives of patients. A recent case study conducted by Above-Net in the medical field powerfully illustrates the risks associated with

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The risks of fires in bar and restaurant kitchens

The risks of fires in bar and restaurant kitchens

The risk of fires in bar and restaurant kitchens is a constant concern. These spaces, due to the frequent use of hot equipment, flammable oils and chemicals, are highly susceptible to fires. In addition to material damage, fires can result in serious injuries and even loss of life, posing a significant threat

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