What types of processes benefit from Industrial IoT in manufacturing

What types of processes benefit from Industrial IoT in manufacturing?

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has emerged as a transformative force in application-critical industries, revolutionizing the way companies operate, monitor and optimize their production processes. The implementation of IIoT in processes is no longer an option, but an urgent need, driven by the constant search for operational efficiency, cost reduction […]

What types of processes benefit from Industrial IoT in manufacturing? Read more "

Bridgemeter prevents water shortages in elevators and provides ROI of 6 to 12 months

A blockage in the water pump of a lift belonging to a water supply company was promptly identified thanks to the innovative Bridgemeter Operational monitoring solution based on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) provided by Above-Net . The root of the problem lay in a plastic bag that inadvertently entered the pump. In a traditional operation,

Bridgemeter prevents water shortages in elevators and provides ROI of 6 to 12 months Read more »