
Bridgemeter prevents water shortages in elevator and provides ROI from 6 to 12 months

A water pump block for an elevatorial pump belonging to a water supply company has been promptly identified thanks to the innovative Bridgemeter Solution of Operational Monitoring Based on the Internet of Industrial Things-IOT provided by Above-Net. The root of the problem resided in a plastic bag that inadvertently entered the bomb. In an operation

Bridgemeter prevents water shortages in lift and provides ROI from 6 to 12 months Read More »

Modernizing Sanitation Companies with IIOT

Above-Net has accepted the challenge of modernizing the remote monitoring of water treatment and distribution stations from a large state sanitation company in Brazil, which sought solutions that could simplify the former industrial park communication system. With an outdated system, where the communication of equipment with the CLPs (logical controller

Modernizing Sanitation Companies with IOT READ MORE »