Industrial wi-fi

Many wireless networks do not work as planned, or offer performance far below expected. With the growing number of wireless devices that access large public Wi-Fi networks (hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, airports, events and universities) or in the business environment with employees and visitors who run apps using VoIP, video transmission in HD, file sharing, or web browsing, it is not difficult to find networks where you cannot navigate or use greater demand applications.

Thinking about this type of application, Above-Net has a solution designed for large Wi-Fi. All network infrastructure, including routers, switches, internal or external access points, are sized and installed by our company in a sales or equipment rental system. This last option eliminates the need for a large investment for medium and large networks and still ensures permanent support and technical assistance.

The equipment used in Large Above-Net Wi-Fi solutions are designed with industrial networking equipment specifications and ensure the efficiency of a network of excellent coverage, signal quality and speed, either for applications in internal environments such as shopping malls , Hotels, external such as concerts or events or even business transmission point to point of great distance.

Above-net technical support team has extensive experience in sizing the site with advanced heat map study systems ensuring the best possible coverage according to the architecture and plant of each location.

Meet our large industrial Wi-Fi solutions by contacting the commercial team!

 Above-Net Solutions of Industrial Wi-Fi

Indicated solutions