How to Solve Field Team Communication Inefficiencies

How to Solve Field Team Communication Inefficiencies

Operational teams need to communicate constantly to ensure the safety and efficiency of operations. However, communication is often interrupted by range limits, dead batteries, congested channels, cross-talk and interference. This scenario is more common than one might imagine and generates enormous losses for companies. Inefficiency in communication can be catastrophic, especially in critical environments where every second counts.

In this article, we will look at the main communication problems between operational and field teams and present the solution that can transform communication, generating an immediate and significant return on investment (ROI).

Common Problems of Traditional Radios LMR (Land Mobile Radio) HT (Handheld Transceivers)

Traditional radios, known as LMR HT, are widely used in field operations. However, these devices present a series of problems that compromise communication efficiency:

  1. Interference and Signal Limitation: In environments such as basements or areas with concrete and iron structures, the signal from HT radios is practically non-existent. This results in “shadow zones” where communication breaks down.
  2. Dependence on Batteries: HT radios rely on batteries that rarely last a full day of intense work. The constant need for backup batteries increases complexity and operational cost.
  3. Channel Congestion: With multiple users speaking on the same channel, communication clarity is compromised, increasing the risk of misunderstandings and operational errors.
  4. Limited Range: The range of HT radios is restricted, especially in large industrial areas. Even with special antennas, communication is limited to the perimeter of the antenna, leaving teams disconnected when outside that area.

Excessive Costs of Acquisition, Maintenance and Use of LMR HT Radios

How to Solve Field Team Communication InefficienciesMaintaining an efficient communication network with HT radios is expensive and ineffective. Companies face high costs in purchasing and maintaining these devices. In rental contracts, prices can reach hundreds of reais per radio, in addition to the cost of batteries and accessories. Additionally, if a radio is defective, it is common for the contract to require payment of the cost of a new radio, increasing costs even further.

For example, in a large petrochemical complex, the monthly cost of keeping 20 radios operational, including batteries and lavalier headphones, can exceed R$12,000 per month. This cost does not account for communication interruptions that cause delays and significant operational losses.

Solution: Zello Work by Above-Net

Above-Net offers Zello Work in Brazil as the revolutionary solution to overcome the challenges of field team communication. Zello Work is a communication platform based on a smartphone application capable of implementing PTT (Push-to-talk) communication in a private corporate network efficiently, replacing LMR HT radios. Its main advantages include:

  1. Seamless Connectivity: Using any data network such as Wi-Fi or cellular, Zello Work ensures continuous communication. Even in areas with limited signal, messages are recorded and delivered as soon as the user returns to the area with minimal signal.
  2. Cost Savings: Zello Work is significantly cheaper than HT radios. With a monthly fee per user, the need to invest in additional hardware is eliminated as any smartphone can be incorporated into the corporate network.
  3. Advanced Features: In addition to voice communication, Zello Work allows sending photos, text messages, geotagging and emergency calls. All communications are encrypted and cannot be forwarded to another APP, ensuring security and privacy.
  4. Ease of Use: Zello Work can be installed on existing mobile devices, eliminating the need to carry and maintain multiple devices.

Results: ROI and Efficiency in Communication between Teams with Multiple Benefits

To demonstrate the positive financial impact, let's analyze a fictional situation based on real data. Suppose a large industrial company is using 300 HT radios in its operations. The rental costs for each radio, combined with backup batteries, lapel headphones and constant maintenance, increase monthly costs to around 100 thousand reais.

How to Solve Field Team Communication InefficienciesWhen migrating to Zello Work, the company pays a fee of up to 150 reais per user monthly. Considering that most companies already have corporate smartphones for other purposes, for the same 300 users, the monthly cost would be up to 45 thousand reais. Even when including in the bill the possible improvement of the plant's wireless network structure, lapel microphones and other operational accessories for the use of Zello Work, the savings would be more than 500 thousand reais per year.

In addition to direct savings, Zello Work offers features that are far superior to those of HT radios. The Dispatch Center organizes calls and communication groups. Recorded messages ensure that no crucial information is lost, even if the user is temporarily out of reach. The ability to send photos and texts, in addition to voice communication, improves the accuracy of instructions and reports, while end-to-end encryption increases the security of communications.

In summary, implementing Zello Work results in a significant return on investment (ROI). By reducing communication costs and increasing efficiency, companies see improvements in productivity and operational safety. Clear, constant communication allows teams to quickly respond to emergencies and coordinate activities more effectively, minimizing downtime and errors.

To learn more about how Zello Work can transform communication in your company, download our catalog: The Revolution in PTT Communication for Companies.

Zello Work - The Revolution in PTT Communication for Companies


The Revolution in PTT Communication for Companies

The PTT Communications Revolution for Business catalog Above-Net 's Zello Work overcomes the limitations of traditional LMR HT radios. Offers unlimited, organized and auditable communication. Ideal for companies seeking efficiency and security, it allows multiple channels, message recording, quick response via Dispatch Hub and integration with the Intelligent Industrial IoT Bridgemeter

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