Intelligent Monitoring

What is Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)

What is Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)?

Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) comprises processes and technologies used to monitor, measure and manage the physical and virtual infrastructure of a data center. DCIM uses tools, software and applications to track a variety of key areas on data centers, such as: physical infrastructure: This type of monitoring employs methods that include sensors,

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Revolutionizing the maintenance of cold chambers, refrigerators and refrigerators

Revolutionizing the maintenance of cold chambers, refrigerators and refrigerators

Efficiency in maintaining cold chambers, refrigerators and refrigerators is a constant challenge for the retail and distribution sector. With technological advancement, innovative solutions such as Above-NetBridgemeter® are transforming the way companies address the maintenance of these critical equipment. Challenges the monitoring of cold chambers in the food industry

Revolutionizing the maintenance of cold chambers, refrigerators and refrigerators Read More »

Above-Net advances with more intelligent IIOT installations for sanitation

We are proud to publicize another important installation in the sanitation sector! We recently implemented another advanced intelligent industrial IoT monitoring solution for a 2 -meter diameter pipeline capable of managing a maximum flow of up to 4,000 liters per second. Precise monitoring using a magnetic conaut magnetic meter, (blue

Above-Net advances with more intelligent iIOT installations for read more ”

Intelligent operational management of hospital infrastructure

Intelligent operational management of hospital infrastructure

Operational management of hospital infrastructure is extremely complex and requires supervision of critical equipment variables that in case of failure can cause incalculable damage to patients and institutions. Both primary equipment - those used under normal operating conditions and secondary equipment - used in case of

Intelligent Operational Management of Hospital Infrastructure Read More »